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I'm unfortunately included in this long list of people plagued by an old article that's still online. Its seriously affecting my job search and therefore my career! THe article implies I have a criminal record when that is not the case. I've seriously considered changing my name just to get away from that awful article. Although you wouldn't have any standing to challenge it in your case, it is legally dicey for a company to make a general inquiry about any other names you've used reason being is in cases like someone immigrating to the country or transgender people there can be discrimination issues. Plus if you strictly interpret that you could have issues where the records would be legally protected like a childhood adoption.
It is devastating and WRONG. I was charged unfairly of a felony and it was kids hats dropped immediately. It was very bad police work and there was no case. They had a drunk witness that made up a lie. I ended up with a terroristic threatening charge! I am a professional with a family in my community. The worst of this is that the newspaper does not even accurately share the police report at all. Also, I was the only one in the paper with both first and last name!!! Everyone else is Woman of & .or Man of& & Maybe their age, but not FULL NAME. My profession is impacted in a small town and I want to sue!!! Either police prejudice because of being caucasian in this town or a newspaper with nothing better to write about. They did make an update of the record being dropped, but as stated in this article, that does very little. Damage is done and the update is hard to see at the bottom. Shame& shame& shame. If there is an afterlife and it is based on behavior now, ouch. email me at : if you have a good lawyer.
The internet's search engine's should be held to the same legal standard as the person who repeats another person's yell of fire in a theatre when if fact the repeater knows or should have known that the alleged fire has been put out. These Google owners are wiling to destroy other lives. They should be treated the same way that the original yeller of fire in the theatre is held. These internet owners hide behind the "Colonel Klink defense" that they were only repeating what they had been ordered by the market to do. In the cases I have read above, it has been renamed "the webcrawler defense and it has statutory support (a law was written to protect these internet companies) possibly because they do have more money than you.
At the present I'm just wondering how I'll ever be able to work in finance again. I closed the company years ago to focus on raising my children and move closer to my mom and was planning on looking for a job before Christmas. I'm sure I'll have lots of luck with that. My husband works in a security sensitive job and I'm worried that if they kmart hats look into me during his ongoing clearance checks my stupidity in a moment when I zoned out in the wake of my father's death could cost us everything. Trust me these companies aren't in this to provide a service. Or else when I used a stack of local newspapers to check other folks arrest records in the same county nothing showed only my six and a half year old record. Say what you want about free speech, these mugshot websites are clearly a racket and I'm not sure