A brand new way to train Building

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A brand new way to train Building

Messagepar Dingbest » lun. 7 sept. 2020 10:12

It's based on a GameJam 2018 job by Mod Ryan called Player-Owned House contracts- material which doesn't make it to RS3 due to poor mismanagement / management issues is recycled and created better and improved on OSRS, which does not need to deal with shitty investors and management as much as RS3 does, largely due to RS3 being the cash cow / secondary game. It does have some benefits, like the equippable saw, plank sofa, and hosidius wall kit [unlockable wall beds, a characteristic exclusive to RuneScape gold and well loved in OSRS] that fit its reward space and OSRS also.

I really don't think anybody desired theres not much support for it, building contracts. Remember last gamejam somebody was working on groundwork for EW quest series, however nobody seemed to take care of it, also remember a'gamejam' never 100% means content goes into game, its a session for devs to operate on passion projects, or ideas for pleasure. 1 gamejam had penguin raids the musical, in sapce after all. No, you see, poor direction is the reason.

They litterly said they did not see players druming it up. Nah nobody wanted it, although many people were drumming up the pvm hub vs not druming up EW4 and EW quests, so we had an opportunity at the EW quest line or closed to completed. (Well I needed it). I blieve the mod working on it stated, there could be 2 more EW quests, and after his work was completed only 1 more months worth of work may want being done on it, and its ready to ship, he and that had the frame potentallyh completed for almost any other quests related to it, but nobody really wanted it.

You know what we do, though? We've got surveys for what material comes into our match. The participant base gets to pick. We don't have microtransactions that is egregious. And have you even visited with Zeah? Or done our raids or the inferno? You vote for content that currently exist OSRS, RS3 or somewhere else. And no I have not done that because I do not enjoy OSRS. So you say OSRS does not have any new ideas. But you have not played any of the content they've made?Need help with RuneScape in my Chromebook

Just Purchased a Chromebook and that I downloaded the RuneScape app. Every time that I try select choice. Does anybody know why I can not right click or understand a solution to not having to click? Unplayable due to this matter. Chromebooks have access to the mobile app via the playstore, so a great deal of items arent compatible with the reality that you're really playing on a computer. The largest one is that you can't right click, so as to produce the right click port you have to hold left (just as you would do if on mobile).

A couple others; You can't customize your keybinds - although if you have access to your computer you may customize them on the pc and they'll carry over, however only the keybinds for default options (like opening ports ), the keybinds for Old School RS Gold action bars won't function; You cannot hover over items to see their data, you must hold left click to open the'right click interface' in order to observe the information that would normally show up by hovering (like xp on the interface, a NPC's title, the percent degraded of a piece of equipment).

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Enregistré le : dim. 2 févr. 2020 09:30
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Re: A brand new way to train Building

Messagepar vonbismark » lun. 11 janv. 2021 03:03


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