RuneScape's lore even more inconsistent

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RuneScape's lore even more inconsistent

Messagepar Amerzone » mer. 3 juin 2020 04:16

I recall a lot of people only liked Zaros because he had been mysterious and strong. Once we met him and began fleshing him out, many stopped liking him since the mystery was goneor they didn't trust him, or thought his thoughts were dumb. I believe this was intentional. Jagex has been attempting to level the playing area. They have made Saradomin seem more corrupt when he was the"great god", and RuneScape 2007 gold made Zamorak make some great points when he had been the"evil god". They even highlighted many of the failings of Guthix, or holes in his doctrine.

They did not take into account the spacebar warriors, however. If you didn't read the dialog Zaros' mystery will stay! It's why I'm so convinced that Saradomin and Zaros are still more popular. Back in the day, I would have rated them like... Guthix, subsequently Zaros, then Armadyl, Zamorak, Saradomin, then Bandos. Now it is more like Zamorak, Armadyl, Guthix, Zaros, Saradomin, subsequently Bandos. Not that there is anything wrong with Zaros - I just believe his ideas are faulty and his ego is too large. His doctrine is decent.

Refusing to gate at the bare minimum with all fundamental quests and creating RuneScape's lore even more inconsistent. I would actually be ok with Zanik being the digsite director in the event that you decided to not kill her eternally during Nomad's Elegy. It would have actually been hilarious if players who decided to kill her could have Zimberfizz ashes as a digsite boss instead. At least it'd make more sense.

But hey, this is exactly what occurs when Jagex plain fails to ask players to finish the bare minimum quests for a LORE DRIVEN SKILL. Nope, can not ask players to complete a medium length pursuit with 13 Agility, Thieving and 17 Mining reqs because it is too much. Gotta go back in AoD, you know? I just wish Osborne, Orion, or Raven would've been involved in this ability, at times it feels as though they're the last mods that truly care about RuneScape's lore.

I have to agree. Archeology with content makes sense. You're uncovering history. History is lore. Quests construct lore. And of course pursuit requirements would have likely curbed the alt accounts folks made just to gather mats and they never would've had to nerf the exceptional weapon piece drops that served only to screw over the frequent participant. Now that you have stated it I agree. Possessing a skill that involves quest locked content actually makes a whole lot of sense and could provide more motivation for people to do questing.

I have no idea where you are getting this belief from Buy OSRS Money. Osborne has modulated the abolishment of pursuit requirements, reduced pursuit amounts to their time cheapest whilst cutting the resources to create them and sits in on these meetings signing off all these thoughts. All he does is says some empty words to encourage hype sometimes in between his different holidays on players money.

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Re: RuneScape's lore even more inconsistent

Messagepar vonbismark » ven. 4 sept. 2020 10:10

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Re: RuneScape's lore even more inconsistent

Messagepar vonbismark » dim. 4 oct. 2020 11:33


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Re: RuneScape's lore even more inconsistent

Messagepar vonbismark » lun. 11 janv. 2021 02:14


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