I would use it on creatures

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Enregistré le : sam. 28 nov. 2020 08:55
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I would use it on creatures

Messagepar Smarthuiyuan » sam. 28 nov. 2020 08:58

I'd like to get one of those four Godswords. I would use it on creatures only since I've never pvp'd and do not plan too. My att, str, and def are all 85 (for different stats, visit my profile for connection ). They're all the same rate, right? I have about 39 million in cash. I have the following that I could sell: Total Guthan's, ranger boots, dragon axe. That may bring in around a little over 10 million. I could catch up to a 5 thousand or RS gold so selling odds and ends, probably. Armadyl is too pricey.

Zamorak and Bandos have a special I do not care about (so for me, they're equivalent ), and Zamorak is significantly more costly, so that one's out. Saradomin Godsword has a useful unique (it functions against monsters, right?) , I just don't know if it's worth the extra sum for it. Bandos is approximately 20 million and Saradomin is approximately 50 million. How much of this pub does it take? Can it be used to reliably get back a fair amount of health? It says it has back at 10, but I would presume it would frequently be a bit higher. I'm just not sure if the 30 million extra is worth it.

If you want to sink most of your money into a single, definitely receive the SGS. It is possible to RuneScape gold buy get two specs per pub, and if you use piety throughout this time then it is able to cure quite a lot (Prayer points and Hitpoints) and I found each spec averaged to restore a little more than a shark. However, it is not completely trustworthy and you'll likely still need to attract some food, just not as far as you'd have before. The BGS has it's own perks also, but not as good if you are only training on a normal monster.

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Enregistré le : dim. 2 févr. 2020 09:30
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Re: I would use it on creatures

Messagepar vonbismark » sam. 9 janv. 2021 16:00


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