How to Cut Your Hair Wig At Home

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How to Cut Your Hair Wig At Home

Messagepar lovenova » jeu. 31 déc. 2020 04:23

Recently, more and more people intend to cut hair wigs at home by themselves. There are also some people who don't know how to cut. Today’s article is a good guide for you.

1.When is the time to cut your wig?
Normally hair needs regular trimming, so does a hair wig. All the hair wigs in Supernova Hair are made of 100% virgin human hair. Having been used for a long time, the hair ends will become nutrition-deficient gradually, then cause hair furcation. In short, hair furcation is because the surface layer of the hair stem has been already damaged, it is time to trim off the split ends.
Or if you just want to get a new hair-do to welcome a new season or attend a special event, you also can cut your hair wig at home by yourself.
2.Tools that you need to cut your wig

In a hair salon, a professional hairstylist may need many haircut tools. But for normal people who get a haircut at home only need some basic tools.

1)A professional hair cutting shears
2)A hairdressing shears for trimming bangs
3)A wide-toothed comb
4)A clipper for shaving your head

3.How to cut your wig in layers?
Most girls would like to get their hair layered, as the layers will add movement. Whether your colored wigs long or short, layers are a great way to update your look. So how to cut your wig in layers?
Firstly, you need to put the wig on a wig stand that can help you get the process of the haircut better. If you don’t have a wig stand at home, you can put it on your head, and use the mirror to see the cutting process.
Secondly, before start cutting, you need to wash the 360 lace wig human hair clean and use a towel to dry it, remove all the knots with your fingers or a wide-teeth comb. Then you can divide the hair into several sections by layer. After that, you can start to trim the front sections.
Finally, comb the hair again and look in a mirror to check out if all the layers are ok.

4.How to cut bangs?
Same as cut layers, cut 613 blonde wig bangs, you also need to wash the wig first and then dry it with a towel. Use a comb to confirm the place where your bangs will begin, and then brush the hair forward to your forehead from the starting line of bangs. After deciding the length of bangs, you can start to cut it. You can trim the bangs repeatedly in front of the mirror to achieve perfection.

5.How to cut curly hair?
A curly 5x5 closure wig curly normally is easier to get tangled, so you’d better detangle the curly hair before cutting. The general steps of cutting curly hair are similar to cutting normal hair. You only should straighten the hair with your fingers while cutting. After trimming, check out if the final whole look is ok.
Supernova hair provides a variety of good quality and cheap human wigs, here you can choose the length and color of your favorite wig. come and buy your favorite lace wig at [url=""]supernovahair[/url].

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